Patrick Breen: Child custody

 Child custody

Welcome to the Patrick Breen blog. If your relationship ends and you have children, you’ll need to agree where your children live. You’ll also need to decide how much time they spend with each of you. This is called making 'child arrangements'.

Child arrangements are usually an informal agreement - but it can help to write them down. You’ll only need to go to court if there’s been violence or abuse in your relationship, or you really can’t agree. When you’re agreeing where your children will stay, you should also work out how you’ll keep in touch with them when they’re staying with your ex-partner. 

Patrick Breen

If you’ve moved house and it’s difficult for your children to visit your new home, you could agree to meet them at a relative or family friend’s house. If you move away from your children, agree how you’ll keep up contact. You could ask your ex-partner to split travel costs or meet you somewhere with the children.

You should write down what you’ve agreed - this is called making a parenting plan. It will be useful to refer back to this in the future, if you can’t remember what you agreed or something isn’t working. 

Make sure both you and your ex-partner have a copy. You can change your plan together at any time.If you need more help agreeing child arrangements, you can go to mediation. It’s much easier and cheaper than going to court for help. A mediator is someone who will try to help you reach an agreement together .

You can try to sort out something different by yourselves, or go back to mediation at any time to try to sort out disagreements. Even if you keep going back to mediation, it'll probably still be cheaper than going to court. If you and your ex-partner have tried and failed lots of times to agree, you’ll need to go to court for a decision that you’ll both have to stick to.

Patrick Breen assist clients with contact issues that may arise months or years after a divorce has been finalised. Patrick can help you work out how to get custody if that is the most appropriate way to proceed. Learn how Patrick Breen can help you here. Follow Patrick Breen on his social here. Watch the latest Patrick Breen video below:



  1. Probably the best blog I have read today! Thanks for sharing Patrick Breen!


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